Javin Solmirin


I am studying for a B.S. in Computer Science in the Department of Information and Computer Sciences at the University of Hawaii. I expect to graduate in Spring, 2026.

Interests: Programing, Video Games, D&D, 2D Graphics/Pixel Art


Shop Manoa 2024

A website created to help UHM students/faculty sell their goods/items

Software Engineering Jsx Css Meteor/MongoDB

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Random Phrase Generator 2022

A Project for my CS Class where we had to create a random phrase from a certain formated list.

Run Time Evaluation Java

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Pokeroll 2022

A small discord bot I built for a pokemon tabletop campaign.

Discord GitHub

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Bluetooth Speaker 2018

A Small bluetooth Speaker created durring HCC Summer Engineering Academy 2018

Electrical Engineering Soldering

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Software Engineering- The Whole Thought Proccess

10 May 2024

Fundimentals of Software Engineering: In the past few months since January 2024, I’ve been learning more and more about Software Engineering through the class ICS 314. Software Engineering is different from just Coding itself. My definition or idea of Software...

Software Engineering Computer Science

An Explination Bot in school

07 May 2024

I. Introduction A.I. has been advancing in a very quick way over these past few years. With many different A.I. tools coming out with ChatGpt, Github Co-Pilot, Dall-E and many more. You’re able to ask questions and for it to...

A.I. Software Engineering ChatGpt

A blueprint and Shortcut

25 Apr 2024

Solving the Same thing Over and Over again The more you get further into coding and software development, the more tedious and annoying it gets when you have to type the same thing for different problems. Many times it’s going...

Software Engineering Javascript

Slowly Creating the Site

22 Feb 2024

HTML What is it? HTML, a programming language used to create many of the pages you see on the Internet today. With CSS there to help stylyze the website you create. It’s easy to pick up on the basics, but...

Software Engineering HTML CSS BootStrap

An Annoying Standard

08 Feb 2024

What is Coding Standards? Coding standards, in which you have a system of how you are to write your code, i.e. how many spaces, indentation or how you close a line. If you are to hold up to a coding...

Software Engineering Javascript ESLint InteliJ

Down the stream of Computer Science

18 Jan 2024

How I am in the Computer Science field I only got into software engineering by the time I was a senior in high school. I saw that the school just created a class for Computer Science, which I signed up...
