Down the stream of Computer Science

18 Jan 2024

How I am in the Computer Science field

I only got into software engineering by the time I was a senior in high school. I saw that the school just created a class for Computer Science, which I signed up for. At the time I didn’t know what I wanted to do in the future or what kind of major for College. But taking that step into the world of software engineering, I knew a little about what I wanted to do. And Here I am a College student majoring in Computer Science.

Why I am staying in this field

To ask myself why I am interested in this field. It’s the feeling of being able to create many things that you want and the satisfaction of finishing a project and seeing it work. Especially when it comes to creating something for others to use. Things I want to do in the future is to make a game that I can enjoy playing and others as well. There is so much to learn in this field and I only know barely anything. Just the basics of Java, C++ and Javascript. But even with just the basics, It feels like I can create so many things. And another great thing about programming is that there isn’t just one way you can solve a problem. One might be inefficient but can work or another might take more code to produce but all that matters is if it fits your needs.

Goals for the future

But I do Have a long way to go as I’m not even far in this career. I feel I need to practice a lot more with coding in general, trying to hone my skills and understanding. Be better disciplined and work more constantly, trying not to procrastinate. As well as actually doing some work if anything at all. One major thing that I need to work on, but I don’t know how well I can improve on this is asking for help. Mainly getting the courage to ask for help on something rather than just keep struggling by myself.